Saturday, July 31, 2010

July wrap-up

I'ts hard to believe that we have finished our first full month of the blog. Christinabean and I are having a great time and hope that our followers are too. We wanted to say a special thank you to everyone who has left a comment. If we didn't get back to you, sorry. We do appreciate your comments and we're working on a system! There's more to this blogging than meets the eye, methinks.

We've been spending time trying to come up with something different, so we are going to bring back our 'Let's Hear It For The Boys' feature as a monthly meme. What do you think? Boys seem to be a bit low on the totem pole when it comes to YA book reviews, so we thought we'd give them their own corner, so to speak. So keep your eyes open at the beginning of the month. If you have any suggestions for us to try, please let us know.

One thing I have discovered is that Christinabean is definitely the 'techie' in this relationship. I get too frustrated when things don't go the way I want them to. She has the patience to work things through until they do what she wants them to! Then I just ask her to show me how! Thanks Christinabean. What would I do without you?

Another of the things we have found this month, is that reading for a blog is quite different than reading for fun. As librarians we are constantly letting people know about good books and convincing them to try something a little different, but we do this verbally and face to face. Writing it all down is a whole different matter. We have both come to the conclusion that note-taking is an absolute must. We have great ideas and mental comments while we're reading, but if we don't write it down immediately, we can't remember when we come to do the post. I think the problem for me is age, but Christinabean has a toddler!

Hope you enjoy reading with us, and thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on finishing your first month! Definitely an accomplishment. :)
