Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday Follow

Friday Follow is a blog hop that was started by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.  Each week a different question is posted by our hosts and we will answer!  This is a great opportunity for bloggers to network and interact. 
This week’s question –

Do you have a go to genre when you’re happy, sad, or angry? – via Take Me Away…
I do choose the genre of book I am going to read depending on how I am feeling.  I will go for Dystopian when I'm feeling a bit down or Fantasy when I'm looking for adventure or Contemporary when I am feeling more emotional.  When I'm feeling happy, I tend to do a mix of everything (usually I am reading a few different books at once).
- Christinabean

Welcome to the Paperback Princesses! Make yourself at home, take a look around our blog and let us know what you think in the comments section. We would love to hear what you have to say about our posts. We often try to comment on your comments as well so feel free to start a conversation! Since there are two of us running the show, we always have a variety of titles and event postings. Be sure to check out our own personal meme page. Check out Fantastic Fairytales, Let's Hear it for the Boys, In Case you Missed it and a few others. We try to not only focus on new YA books but also great titles from the past.


  1. Fantasy is a great way to escape! I certainly would start feeling better about my circumstances if I picked up a dystopian. That's a good idea! Thanks for sharing! New bloglovin follower!

  2. Oops! I meant old bloglovin' follower! Sorry! :-)

  3. I tend to just read how I am feeling. So I stick to books that "feel" the same way. You can also read my #FF at
    Going to follow via Bloglovin. :)

  4. I read a lot of contemporary when I'm really emotional. Nothing like fueling the fire ;-) BL follower Jessi The Book Cove
